New ticket in-bonus out technology (TIBO) created by Acres Technology will shake the gambling world upside down. The slot players worldwide are already familiar with the ticket in-ticket out system (TITO), but the newest technology brings a completely new update.

Before TIBO, there was TITO:

The technology changed how slot machines operate – instead of usual coins and penny slots, the operators started using validators, a famous Five Star Solutions’ TITO concept. TITO allowed the players to proceed to checkout, displaying their winnings on thermal paper, which could be converted into cash.?

But TIBO is an upgraded version of the old program, and many companies want to try it. After the field test at Gold Country Inn 6 Casino in Elko is conducted, TIBO will be available for operators.?

And how does TIBO operate? The players will get similar payment slips, but they will be completely randomly generated for multiple reasons. The owners of TIBO, John and Noah Acres, wanted to increase the popularity of traditional slot machines with the help of new technologies.

Fantastic bonus options:

The player can get various awards: bonus points on a loyalty card, even if you don’t have the loyalty card at the moment – it will offer the player a chance to sign up and collect the bonus, increasing the number of customers that use the gift card.?

Also, the companies collected enough data to have an idea when the player is about to stop playing. Before the critical point, TIBO will offer the player free spins, increasing the time spent on the machine.

After the payoff, TIBO can award you more spins, even dinner, or a free show in some of the restaurants on the property.

When the loyalty card is considered, the bonuses can be customized to each player – imagine getting a special treat on your birthday or anniversary or getting a little something when your favorite sports team scores a goal.

TIBO can also remind the players to leave a tip to the casino employees and even print a ticket with a tip, which can greatly benefit the workers. However, there’s a hope that TIBO will also help the addicts to seek help.

However, it could trigger various problem gambling issues. Ted Hartwell, a Nevada Council on Problem Gambling community engagement liaison and recovering gambling addict, said: “My gut reaction was to be mostly appalled by the idea that you would develop individual algorithms around people to try to engage them, especially at that point when it’s been determined they’re likely to take a break. One of the things we do know about people who have a gambling problem or may be transitioning into a gambling problem is that those breaks in play are critical to those individuals who may be transitioning into a problem to have a moment of self-reflection and disconnection from the machine. That may be the moment that they have a little epiphany and may seek out help.”