Maltese online gaming platform provider,?SportingTech, has announced the signing of a strategic agreement that is set to see the soon-to-launch Nigeria-facing sportsbetting domain at utilize its Pulse innovation.
First-of-its-kind arrangement:
According to an official Wednesday press release published by European Gaming Media and Events, the Birkirkara-headquartered firm declared that the deal represents its first with an African site and is to involve employing its Pulse platform in order to provide players with ‘something brand new and innovative.’
Helping domain to realize its goals:
SportingTech stated that its Pulse innovation will also allow to achieve its objectives of serving and supporting ‘well-established and passionate sports lovers in Nigeria’ by offering them ‘the maximum level of entertainment’ alongside faster and easier ways to wager.
‘More fun’ for players:
Elvis Dzombic, Head of Business Development for SportingTech, proclaimed that his firm’s Pulse platform moreover comes complete with a range of responsible gambling features as well as a plethora of unique promotions that are destined to provide players at with ‘more fun than ever before.’
Dzombic’s statement read…
“We are extremely happy to support the promising projects like in achieving its goal of becoming the leader in Nigerian and later, in the African market. This is a great opportunity for us to showcase the power of our Pulse platform, both online and in retail. Entering the Nigerian market is a huge milestone. Our team is very dedicated to providing the best possible service and we will improve even more over time. The excellent platform in combination with highly skilled professionals guarantees success for our customers.”
Ambitious target:
For its part, Lagos-based explained that it has been established by experienced local iGaming professional Adekunle Adeniji and plans to have expanded its reach into every one of Nigeria’s 36 states by the end of 2020. The entrepreneur detailed that the coming domain intends to ‘create the right tools for our agents’ while utilizing lower entry fees and sign-up bonuses to make to make using the site’s services ‘more fun.’