Online casino software developer,?SkillOnNet Limited, has announced that it has formally applied for licenses from authorities in Sweden and Portugal in hopes of being legally present in both markets by the beginning of 2019.
Innovator sets sprightly targets:
According to an official press release published by boutique gaming event organizer, European Gaming Media and Events, the Maltese firm explained that its Swedish application follows the recent passage of legislation that is set to institute a regulated market in the Scandinavian nation from the first day of January.
In terms of Portugal, SkillOnNet Limited stated that the country ‘has attracted the attention of a number of operators’ before detailing that a successful nod would see it endeavor to debut a bespoke online casino ‘specifically for the up-and-coming Portuguese market’ by the end of this year.
Awards to drive future growth:
Michael Golembo, Head of Sales and Marketing for SkillOnNet Limited, proclaimed that his firm’s software innovations power ‘some of the most popular brands in Europe’ such as and He declared that receiving licenses for Sweden and Portugal would allow the company to drive future growth by means of being ‘active in as many regulated markets as possible.’
Golembo’s statement read…
“We are lean and nimble, so completing the license paperwork for both Sweden and Portugal simultaneously was not a problem. We see both markets as having tremendous potential and look forward to working with the regulator in each to obtain our permits.”