Malta-based online casino games and platform supplier,?Relax Gaming, has entered into a supply agreement that will see it provide?its growing portfolio of proprietary video slots, as well as?various content from its partner?studios, to Slovenian?B2B?software provider, Blue Ocean Gaming.
Broad range of content:
The integration is to include popular titles including Epic Joker, Zombie Circus and Erik the Red will launch on the Solkan-headquartered provider’s platform, in addition to a broad range of content from its Silver Bullet partners such as?STHLMGAMING and Kalamba, according to the official press release.
Also included in the deal, titles from Relax Gaming partners Felt Gaming and Push Gaming will be made available to Blue Ocean Gaming’s operator network.
“hugely beneficial for both companies”
Commenting on the new agreement, Chief Executive Officer for Relax Gaming, Daniel Eskola said that they are proud to be expanding the reach of their “diverse range of products with Blue Ocean Gaming in a partnership that will be hugely beneficial for both companies.
“We are cementing our reputation as one of the industry’s foremost providers thanks to the?calibre?of both the in-house games and partner content available through our platform,” said Eskola.
Proven leader:
Explaining the significance?of the partnership,?Mateja Pavlin, Blue Ocean Head of Account Management, said…
“Relax Gaming has clearly demonstrated its ability to lead the way when it comes to providing rich and evocative iGaming experiences. Having both Relax and its partners’ content is a significant endorsement of our platform.
“We are delighted to be able to offer these exciting products to our growing list of operator partners.”
Transparent commercial terms:
Well on its way to becoming a next-generation supplier, Relax Gaming offers new and exciting content and more than 280 games with unambiguous commercial terms.
Further growth:
The latest agreement further grows Relax Gaming’s global footprint, having recently inked multiple deals, including?iGaming?business-to-business software aggregator, White Hat Gaming and with?AGS (NYSE: AGS), owner of quality, proprietary titles as well as distributor of best-of-breed third-party content.