Officials of Macau recently busted the second high-profile prostitution ring of the area since 2015 began, arresting 42 individuals in the process. Of those arrested, one individual is just 17 years of age and considered a ‘kingpin’ of the prostitution ring. Among the arrests, the majority were gang members including a few family members of those in the gang as well as 3 prostitutes.
According to reports, the kingpins of the operation would work out of four rooms in a Cotai hotel. Police have not ?identified the?specific Cotai?hotel property but say that prostitution ring operated by using social networking sites to attract clientele.
The girls would meet clients at hotels chosen by the client. Prices of $125 to $375 would be paid by the client for services, with the girls keeping 50%. The gang member of the group who found the client would earn 30% and the remaining 20% would be paid to the kingpin of the ring. During the bust, police were able to confiscate a diary which showed the details of appointments as well as condoms and cash.
Reportedly prostitution itself is legal in Macau, however “pimping” can carry hefty criminal penalties.