On Friday, the members of the Nevada Gaming Policy Committee as well as Governor Brian Sandoval met to discuss the professional video gaming industry. Video gaming professionals were on hand to discuss the industry and how the opportunity for economic development of such activities is present in the state of?Nevada. Individuals who consider themselves cyber athletes, a term for professional video gamers, are being considered by officials of the state to try and determine if wagering should be allowed on gaming competitions.
Legislators would need to make changes to state laws as well as regulations if the gamers are considered athletes and wagering options are to be put in place. Video game tournaments could offer wagering opportunities in the same way that sports betting is offered with the house earning a cut from the betting action. This offering would actually be a great way to attract a young audience to casinos as slot machines and table games do not seem to be doing the trick as they once were able to.
Professional online gamers are nothing new, but the career path has become more viable thanks to interactive broadcasts including Twitch. Players can stream their video gaming footage live and fans can log on to Twitch to watch and chat with the player as well as other spectators. Players can quickly become well-known for their game play or personality.
Casinos have noticed the popularity of online gaming and are already trying to become involved in the industry. In April, the Mandalay Bay hosted a tournament based on the League of Legends which featured popular cyber athletes taking part.
During the meeting, the Governor and other officials consulted with the professional gamers, learning more about how the industry works. Sandoval stated during the meeting that while he does not play games, he does enjoy gaming sometimes with his son. The Governor wants the state to stay relevant and admitted that there is a lot for him to learn about the industry of video gaming. Sandoval wants to be receptive to a new generation of gamers.
For some time, the state has been considering alternatives to cater to the younger generations who grew up enjoying video games. Offering wagering on video game tournaments may be the right solution to getting individuals in their 20s and 30s interested in casinos and wagering options.