Steam is an extremely popular online gaming platform where gamers have the ability to enjoy a range of games directly on their desktop. PokerStars decided to get in on the gaming action offered at Steam and last month, released Jackpot Poker. Released on March the 20

Released on March the 20th, Jackpot Poker received few?reviews from gamers and apparently saw some players complaining about technical problems during gameplay. PokerStars has now updated the free-to-play poker game to provide a fix for game crashes and bugs.

On the Steam portal, a representative for PokerStars announced that anyone who previously experienced game crashes and bugs will find that the problem has been fixed as PokerStars has pinpointed the issue.

With Jackpot Poker, players have the option to compete in hold’em or Omaha gaming with single-player and multi-player modes. Jackpot Poker on Steam is offered in 12 languages and can be played for free. Players can also choose to build a bankroll or buy chips via in-game purchases, similar to offerings provided by social casinos.

Since PokerStars launched Jackpot Poker on March 20th, it has seen very little reviews and has a rating of just 6 out of 10. Players have criticized the decision by PokerStars to use a mobile port in a PC environment, as the touchscreen capabilities on the mobile function do not work very well, according to info from CalvinAyre.

Players have the ability to enjoy Spin & Go, a popular choice from PokerStars main site, as well as casino-style slot gaming, via the Steam link. While players can enjoy these games on Steam, it does make one wonder why PokerStars would create the game for the platform when they have an already established site where players can play the same games, that are free to play, and the site is not prone to crashing or major issues, with gaming actually designed for the PC.

However, by showing their presence on Steam, PokerStars is reaching an entirely new audience. Steam has over 125 million active users so it does make sense that PokerStars would want their brand to be represented on the online gaming platform. It will be interesting to see if the changes made to Jackpot Poker in the recent update will help to see the gaming option become more popular with Steam users.