Online gaming software provider,?Pariplay, is bringing out the battle for survival in their new online slot game Zombies Gone Wild. On the reels, players will find zombie hunters taking on the undead, with quality features including wilds and bonus spins. The game includes Mega Wilds, which are activated when one of the three main characters are exposed to radiation, becoming wild zombies themselves!

Features of the Game:

The background of Zombies Gone Wild is a town where zombies have taken over. On the reels, are the main characters, zombies and traditional 10, J, Q, K and Ace symbols. As humanity takes on the zombie infestation, hope still remains. A team of brave zombie hunters have found a way to fight. The only way to fight is to expose oneself to zombie radiation and transform into a Wild Zombie.

In the game, random wilds will appear on the reels. The hunter symbols will turn to wild at random, helping to create winning combinations. Bonus spin symbols can also be found in the slot. Earn three of the special bonus spins symbols on the 1st, 3rd or 5th reel to access bonus spins!

According to Pariplay

The company’s Commercial and Marketing Director, Richard Mintz, commented on the new game by stating: “When designing?Zombies Gone Wild, we knew it was important to give players a game that not only looked great but was also true to the spirit of a genre that holds such an important place in modern pop culture. That combined with our commitment to maximum entertainment, engagement and unique gameplay features, ensures that players of all experience levels will be eager to return to a world packed with rewards and adventure.”

Additional Features:

The title offers players three jackpots. Each jackpot is connected to a different zombie hunter, either Lucy, Tarra or Kira.

Each win that includes a wild zombie hunter on the payline will contribute to the respective jackpot of that hunter. Each hunter has a progress bar so when players fill the associated bar, they will earn the corresponding jackpot.

The purple jackpot is worth 25x the wager amount. The green jackpot offers a little bit more, at 75x the wager amount. The red jackpot offers the largest prize, at 200x the bet!