Slovenian online gaming turnkey solutions provider,?Oryx Gaming, has announced the inking of a content partnership deal that will see its platform feature a range of live multi-channel games from Lithuanian developer,?

According to an official Friday press release published by European Gaming Media and Events, Oryx Gaming explained that its platform partners will soon be able to offer their players the Vilnius-based firm’s real-time Dice Dual and Wheel of Fortune titles as well as its Lucky5, Bet on Poker, War of Bets, Dice, Lucky6, Bet on Baccarat and Lucky7 games for use on mobile and desktop devices.

Ljubljana-headquartered Oryx Gaming, which signed an agreement in February to supply content to the and domains operated by Quasar Gaming, declared that the latest deal has ‘livened up its iGaming offering’ as is responsible for developing ‘a number of the most popular live games available on the market.’

Matevz Mazij, Chief Executive Officer for Oryx Gaming, stated that the integration of live games from onto his firm’s platform is due to ‘significantly strengthen our portfolio offering’ and that he is expecting to see ‘great results from our partnership.’

For her part, Aiste Garneviciene, Chief Operating Officer for, described Oryx as ‘a trusted business partner’ before proclaiming that she is ‘confident’ her firm’s games will offer its clients ‘the highest quality and the widest choice of unique content.’

“We look forward to a rewarding partnership with Oryx Gaming, which will clearly bring fantastic opportunities for both of us,” read a statement from Garneviciene.