Slovenian online gaming turnkey solutions provider,?Oryx Gaming, has announced the signing of a ‘momentous’ deal that is set to see it launch a selection of video slot and casino games on sites operated by industry stalwart GVC Holdings.

Prestigious iGaming brands:

Ljubljana-headquartered Oryx Gaming used an official Thursday press release to detail that the arrangement is set to see it debut a range of ‘top-performing titles’ on GVC Holdings’ domains including the likes of,,, and

Alongside its own portfolio of online casino and video slot titles, Oryx explained that the deal will additionally involve GVC Holdings utilizing the provider’s RGS platform in order to offer ‘a wide range of outstanding games from world-renowned content studios.’

Content to feature on ‘several massive brands’:

Matevz Mazij, Chief Executive Officer for Oryx Gaming, described GVC Holdings as ‘one of the biggest and most prestigious gaming groups around’ before declaring that the new partnership is destined to give his firm ‘the perfect way to launch our games across several massive brands.’

Mazij’s statement read…

“We cannot wait to get started and for our commercial relationship to start yielding positive results.”

Provider’s latest deal:

July saw Oryx Gaming ink a partnership that saw its RGS platform take on a range of live multi-channel games from Lithuanian developer,, while it has an understanding in place to supply content to the and domains operated by Quasar Gaming.

Operator adding ‘top-class casino games’:

For his part, Liron Snir, Chief Product Officer for Isle of Man-based GVC Holdings, proclaimed that he was ‘delighted’ to have partnered with Oryx Gaming’ and now looks forward to adding its ‘portfolio of top-class casino games’ to his firm’s offering.

Snir’s statement read…

“This is another step in providing our customers with the best and broadest casino offer in the market.”