Swedish online casino operator,?Global Gaming has announced that players in Estonia can now legally access its Ninja Casino brand and enjoy a portfolio of over 200 games from prominent developers such as Play’n Go and NetEnt.
Debut follows July licensing:
According to an official press release published by European Gaming Media and Events, the Malmo-headquartered firm explained that the launch comes after July saw its Safe Ent Limited subsidiary receive a license from the Estonian Tax and Customs Board.
Extensive games portfolio:
Indrek Tappo, Estonia Country Manager for Global Gaming, detailed that online gaming aficionados in the Baltic nation will now be able to utilize Ninja Casino in order to enjoy access to progressive jackpot video slots including the Mega Fortune and Viking-inspired Hall of Gods titles from fellow Swedish firm NetEnt alongside a portfolio of live-dealer table games. He declared that players can also now take advantage of the domain’s PayNPlay service, which allows aficionados to register and compete without filling in a tedious and time-consuming registration form.
Tappo’s statement read…
“Ninja Casino offers a safe and seamless player experience through its no-registration approach, which results in lightning-quick payouts within five minutes. Our mission is to offer the best experience to our players and I’m proud to be able to offer this award-winning product to my home country of Estonia.”
Continuing growth:
For his part, Alessandro Focardi, Chief Growth Officer for Global Gaming, stated that the Ninja Casino brand has experienced ‘considerable success in Sweden’ while the site’s debut in Estonia is expected to see his firm ‘expand its presence’ in a nation where it has maintained an office for over three years.
Focardi’s statement read…
“Our service center in Estonia has been consistently developing. Even in terms of employees, we have grown from an initial two in 2015 to over 40 at present and we expect that number to continue increasing after the launch.”