For those who have been following New Jersey’s sports betting fight?against the US Department of Justice it is no surprise that Tuesday March 17, 2015 saw both sides back in court—this time with the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.

New Jersey’s advocate, Theodore Olson, started the proceedings, but only got a ?into minute his argument before the opposing counsel Justice Marjorie Rendell jumped in to repeat the same old argument.

Rendell firmly believes repealing the current law stopping New Jersey from having legalized sports betting would mean a carte blanche; anything goes system where bookies can come from hidden rooms in the back of bars to legally take bets from kids and adults around kindergarten playgrounds.

New Jersey argues they are trying to meet PASPA rules and the state’s 2014 law is meant to fit the rules as required by the first time they appear in court to fight for the right to offer legal sports betting.

The battle was heated in the court with Department of Justice attorneys stating the only reason New Jersey is trying to get the laws changes is for economic reasons. New Jersey stated they are only looking to allow licensed sports betting at casinos and racetracks not provide an open field for all.

No decision was made and the arguments continued to point out some very drastic?differences?on both sides ?in their arguments as to ?why or why not sports betting should be legal in New Jersey.

In a final statement to media from the justices, Justice?Maryanne Trump Barry, who happens to be Donald Trump’s sister, ?said the ruling is expected in May at the earliest.