Swedish online casino games and solutions developer,?NetEnt, has announced that it made one British player very happy early last month after awarding them with a little over £4,082,246 ($5,293,679) in cash courtesy of the progressive jackpot attached to its Mega Fortune Dreams video slot.

Bingo.com bonanza:

The Stockholm-based innovator explained via an official press release that the 49-year-old player banked the life-changing progressive prize late on the evening of October 8 after staking only £0.80 ($1.03) on the five-reel and 20-payline slot during a session with the United Kingdom-licensed online casino and bingo domain at Bingo.com.

Sleepy success:

NetEnt detailed that the lucky video slot aficionado won the cash after deciding to lighten a bout of insomnia by enjoying some online casino action. It stated that he had admitted to ‘dozing off’ during the lucrative game and had only realized his good fortune after putting on his spectacles and examining his computer screen more closely.

A statement from the winner reads…

“You hear about people winning these sorts of multi-million-pound jackpots but you never really believe it as it never happens to anyone you know. Now it’s happened to me, it’s so unreal.”

Going to Disneyland:

The leading supplier declared that the winner has subsequently used some of his new-found wealth to purchase a Jaguar XJ as well as an Aston Martin DB11 for his father while handing out approximately £1 million ($1.2 million) to family and friends. It moreover detailed that the newly-acclaimed online casino multi-millionaire has now retired from his job and is planning a once-in-a-lifetime vacation to Disneyland.

The winner also added…

“It really has changed my life but it’s also changed other people’s lives for the good too.”

Living up to its reputation:

NetEnt noted that Bingo.com is run by Maltese firm,?Kindred Group, while the developer’s Chief Product Officer, Henrik Fagerlund, proclaimed that his firm’s Mega Fortune Dreams innovation had ‘certainly lived up to its name again’ by producing its latest instant multi-millionaire and ‘delivering a life-changing win.’