British online lottery operator,?Lottoland Limited, has announced that it has partnered with free-to-play sports prediction games provider,?SportCaller, in order to launch the new Jungle Jackpot title.
Predict to win:
Gibraltar-headquartered Lottoland Limited used an official November 15 press release to detail that the free-play game gives players the chance to win up to £1 million ($1.28 million) in cash by correctly predicting the final rankings of the twelve contestants currently taking part in the latest series of the I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! television program.
Three-week competition:
Being hosted by English duo Holly Willoughby and Declan Donnelly, the newest incarnation of the ITV show began on Sunday and is scheduled to finish three weeks later with one of the well-known contestants walking out of the Queensland jungle as champion.
Post-eviction element:
Once the television program’s first eviction has taken place, Lottoland detailed that Jungle Jackpot is to feature a ‘secondary daily prediction game’ that is set to reward in-the-know players with a range of smaller rewards and a share of £10,000 ($12,867) in cash.
Title to aid player acquisition:
Licensed by regulators in the United Kingdom, Gibraltar, Ireland, Italy and Australia, Lottoland is active in 13 jurisdictions while its Chief Executive Officer, Nigel Birrell, stated that he has ‘no doubt’ Jungle Jackpot will prove popular and allow his firm to ‘boost’ player acquisition by more effectively cross-selling its portfolio of products.
Birrell’s statement read…
“The ability of SportCaller’s games to organically harness player engagement around sports events made it the perfect fit for this partnership. The social elements of this game can also deliver significant potential for growth. The main £1 million Jungle Jackpot game gives every adult fan of the show the chance to win a lottery-level prize from a simple prediction mechanic.”
Deal is ‘a real coup’:
For his part, Cillian Barry, Managing Director for Dublin-based SportCaller, declared that Jungle Jackpot represents the innovator’s first foray into games themed around mass-media events before describing the agreement with Lottoland Limited as ‘a real coup.’
Barry’s statement read…
“Our combined ability to deliver presents a genuine test case for free-to-play flourishing outside its original sportingbetting domain by bringing to market a game that will appeal to the wider general public. Jungle Jackpot is a genuine industry-first for such a popular television show.”