Online lottery domain,?, has announced that one lucky British player could soon be walking away with a life-changing cash prize worth well over £497 million ($649 million) courtesy of America’s multi-jurisdictional MegaMillions game.

Planet’s fourth-largest jackpot:

Licensed by regulators in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Gibraltar, Italy and Australia, allows aficionados to enjoy access to some of the world’s most lucrative lotteries while additionally featuring a range of online casino, instant win and scratchcard games. It used an official Wednesday press release published by European Gaming Media and Events to detail that the MegaMillions prize on offer is currently history’s fourth-largest and sits just two rollovers away from surpassing the billion-dollar mark.

Record of big payouts: explained that it holds the Guinness World Record for the planet’s largest-ever online gambling payout after July saw it award one German aficionado with a €90 million ($103.2 million) prize. The Gibraltar-headquartered site?stated that the jackpot tied to the MegaMillions game, which is offered to land-based players in 44 American states, has been rolling over since July 27 and is due to have its next draw conducted later today.

Impending ‘landmark moment’:

Nigel Birrell, Chief Executive Officer for Lottoland, described the upcoming prize draw as a possible ‘landmark moment’ that ‘has the potential to deliver a great deal more.’

Birrell’s statement read…

“We are pretty well versed in dealing with life-changing moments here at But, to be talking about hundreds of millions and potentially billions; it doesn’t get much more exciting than that. We haven’t seen hysteria like this surrounding a jackpot since the Powerball reached $1 billion in 2016. Make no mistake, this is a once in a lifetime moment that is about to make somebody’s dreams out there come true. Believe it, you might just be the one to achieve it.”