KPMG are looking forward to welcoming operators, service providers, regulators, and advisers to their 13th eSummit to be hosted 8 September 2016, 8:30AM – 5:00PM, GMT at the Villa Marina, Douglas, Isle of Man. Several major developments in the marketplace, as well as emerging technologies and regulations, make this year’s event an even more important industry resource.
The eGaming summit, running in Royal Hall, will be augmented throughout the day with workshops and masterclasses to address a variety of eGaming professional’s concerns.?Apply to attend.
Subjects to be addressed in the first ever post-Brexit KPMG summit include;
Key risks for the industry
M&A commentary and predictions
Social Responsibility developments including the UK NOSES Project Regulatory
Challenges and opportunities Differentiation and customer focus
Additional onsite presentations and workshops will be held at the Broadway Cinema and?the Promenade Suite, covering developments & propositions in;
Crypto and the Blockchain
Cyber Security
Big Data & Data Analytics
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