Clark County District Court Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez has ruled that a?wrongful termination suit brought by the former CEO of Sands China Ltd, Steven Jacobs against Sheldon Adelson and his company will be decided in a U.S. courtroom rather than in Macau.
Adelson had sought to have the case heard in a Macau venue. The lawsuit began in 2010.
The complaint was expanded to include a defamation per se claim against Adelson, Las Vegas Sands, and Sands China because of?statements published in the Wall Street Journal. Sands argued that the statements were priveleged information. A district court agreed, but the claim was later allowed to move forward with a decision by the Nevada Supreme Court.
Further potential collateral damage to Sands coming from the case include an as yet unresolved U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act investigation of the corporation. Although Sands has periodically denied any wrongdoing, in March of 2013, Bloomberg stated in their annual report that, “There were likely violations of the books and records and internal controls provisions of the FCPA,” it said. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act outlaws the bribery of foreign officials, one of the claims in Jacobs’ suit.
The internal probe findings are likely related to deals that occurred in mainland China, done by executives who are no longer employed by Sands.
As of press time no trial date had been set on the judge’s calendar.