Online instant-win games supplier,?Instant Win Gaming Limited?(IWG), has announced that it is partnering with fellow British firm,?Inspired Entertainment Incorporated, in order to offer American lotteries a range of new virtual sports-themed titles.

Kicking off with gridiron game:

According to an official Monday press release published by European Gaming Media and Events, the collaboration will see the London-headquartered pair create innovative online?instant-win games featuring ‘ultra-realistic’ virtual sports content from Inspired Entertainment Incorporated beginning with an American football-themed title that is to be released in time to capitalize on the?National Football League (NFL) playoffs early next year.

IWG stated that the coming gridiron virtual sports title is to be made available across its network of lottery and commercial operators via its Progressive Play remote games server and will allow participants to view single virtual American football plays and possibly win prizes based on the results.

Innovator ‘excited’ by alliance:

Rhydian Fisher, Chief Executive Officer for IWG, declared that he was ‘excited about this collaboration’ and remains ‘confident’ that the mechanics and animations of the coming games ‘will prove to be popular with players and drive further revenues for good causes.’

Fisher’s statement read…

“These games are beautifully simple and with the advent of sportsbetting in the United States landscape we feel they are a good entry point for customers who are interested in sportsbetting but may not have experience in doing so. It’s a great complement to our instant-win portfolio and we could not be more excited to offer this to all our lottery partners.”

Games to feature mechanics ‘best practices’:

Instant Win declared that all of the predetermined games in its coming virtual sports-themed arsenal are to be tailored to ensure ‘best practices’ in game mechanics while also featuring the innovative gameplay that has seen this sector ‘grow to become an important product for lotteries and operators around the world.’

Lotteries must ‘get creative’:

Lorne Weil, Executive Chairman for Inspired Entertainment Incorporated, explained that the ‘proliferation of mobile wagering and sportsbetting throughout North America’ means that lotteries must now be willing to ‘get creative’ in order to ‘stay competitive.’

Weil’s statement read…

“We see a huge opportunity in the North American lottery market for these products, where the instant gratification and digital format have the ability to reinforce current offerings and attract new players. We can’t wait to showcase these new games and, while we are starting with instant-win virtual football, we are excited to leverage additional Inspired Entertainment Incorporated content to grow this category with Instant Win Gaming Limited.”