Supplier of quality slots and table games for the online and land-based casino industries,?Habanero, has big plans for 2018. This year, the developer will be entering the Italian market, beginning the New Year by targeting an expansion throughout Western Europe. Habanero has worked hard to see the games they created over the past two years earn certification by AAMS, the gaming regulator of Italy, so they can get started.
In total, Habanero has seen 33 of their gaming titles from 2016/2017 approved by AAMS and will see remaining games approved in the future, as well as any content they create moving forward. On top of the approvals they have received, the company is also in discussions to see their games go live via Italian operators. The expansion into the country is being led by Arcangelo Lonoce, the new European Head of Business Development for the country.
As a former executive of BetVictor, Lonoce has the experience needed to lead the move into Italy and other markets of Western Europe. In a press release, Lonoce commented on the move by stating: “We have progressed our global reach significantly in recent months and are delighted to have all of our most recent games certified in Italy. Habanero is entering an exciting phase of its growth, with expansion across Western Europe one of our core priorities as we lead into 2018.”
Habanero has grown significantly over the past year and now offers more than 80 video slot games and 10 table games. The company has also created 10 video poker games and has integrated all of their content with more than 60 operators/aggregators. the company’s content is provided in 24 Asian and European languages.