Back in February,?Amaya confirmed the intention to merge its two well-established poker platforms, PokerStars and Full Tilt into a single platform. Well, the planned migration was completed on 17th of May and now PokerStars has officially absorbed one of its major rivals.

After the change, players trying to start the Full Tilt platform were asked to download the new software that is almost identical to the client used at PokerStars; the branding, however, has remained the same. Therefore, many commented that Full Tilt has now become only a skin of the world’s most popular poker site in the world.

Those used to the old Full Tilt poker games will find them replaced with cash games and poker tournaments featured at PokerStars; even though the branding and certain names are different, the gameplay is the same. For example, the “Rush” version is actually PokerStars’ recognisable Zoom Poker, whereas Jackpot Sit & Go has turned into PokerStars’ Spin & Go tournaments disguised in Full Tilt’s colours. “The Deal” is possibly one of the rare things, aside from the avatars, that remained intact.

The merge has affected the traffic as well. Therefore, PokerStars’ loyal players have already noticed an insignificant increase in traffic in the games at the platform. However, the real change has hit players at Full Tilt since they’ve been joined with the PokerStars player pool and witnessed a huge increase in liquidity.

It should be noted that players that used to have a Full Tilt account paired with a PokerStars account won’t be able to access their Full Tilt account anymore. Instead, they’ll have to migrate the Full Tilt account with the PokerStars one and then use the PokerStars log in information to start the platform.

In order to celebrate and promote the merger, Amaya has presented an exciting Jackpot Unchained promotion for its remaining Full Tilt players, which are offered weekly upgrade freerolls, slots cashback, guaranteed jackpots and takeaways.