Gambling figures for the state released Thursday show revenue rises in the double digits at River City and the Casino Queen, both leading?the St. Louis casino market’s strong performance in February.
Leading the pack last month was Pinnacle Entertainment’s River City in Lemay, with a 12.1 percent increase in net gambling receipts to $19.1 million. Trailing closely was the Casino Queen in East St. Louis, where the house take increased 11.2 percent from last year February, to $9.6 million. The casino’s winnings are represented by net gambling receipts, which is the total revenue minus what the casino loses to customers, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
The only decrease in revenue was at the Alton Argosy, which saw its winnings fall by 5 percent last month.
A nearly 10 percent in slots revenue was earned at Lumière Place, Tropicana’s casino on the St. Louis riverfront, helped the casino put up strong numbers for the third consecutive month.
Ameristar St. Charles was the market leader with gambling receipts totaling $21.7 million in February, an increase of 2.2 percent from the same time last year.