Czech online casino games developer,?Endorphina Limited, has announced that its portfolio of colorful video slots is now even larger following last week’s launch of its new HTML5-friendly Lucky Streak 3 title.
Fruit and flames:
The Prague-headquartered innovator used an official Thursday press release published by European Gaming Media and Events to detail that it ‘is known for its colorful and playful games and various themes’ with the 20-payline Lucky Streak 3 its latest to be themed around flames and fruit.
Growing portfolio:
Nikita Gorshkov, Head of Account Operations for Endorphina, revealed that the premiere of the mobile-friendly title means that his firm’s collection of games now encompasses almost 60 individual slots and that the new innovation’s medium volatility action and traditional gameplay is set to appeal to a wide range of aficionados.
Gorshkov’s statement read…
“Lucky Streak 3 is rocking the darkest atmosphere with the highest amount of flames in hopes of sparking players’ interest and setting their hearts on fire. The gameplay is pretty straightforward and the beautiful polished symbols with a rather old-school vibe will allow everyone to enjoy this three-row and three-reel game.”
Positive prediction:
Endorphina was already well known for one-of-a-kind online video slots such as its Satoshi’s Secret, Twerk, Taboo and Diamond Vapor titles before launching its Lucky Streak 1 and Lucky Streak 2 innovations late last year. It declared that Lucky Streak 3 is the latest ‘fruit gem in this hot saga’ and is sure to enjoy ‘a bright future with many happy and lucky players to come.’