Betway, a top?online bookmaker?based in the?United Kingdom, has announced they are donating a shirt sponsorship for the pre-season to the DT38 Foundation. The goal of the sponsorship is to bring awareness to testicular cancer, the cause of the charity. Betway is the principle sponsor of West Ham United and will be providing the DT38 Foundation with the front of shirt sponsorship as the team takes on Manchester City in Iceland on August 4th.
Betway is working with DT38 Foundation and the football club to help bring more information about testicular cancer to the public, a major issue regarding men’s health. The preseason match is set for the 4th?of August in Iceland, with special shirts being created for the game to be made to help raise money for the cause. Players will be signing shirts which will be featured in an auction hosted by the foundation once the game is over to help raise money for the charity.
In 2015, the foundation was created to honor the memory of Dylan Tombides, a star player of West Ham Academy. Dylan battled with testicular cancer for three years and passed away at just 20 years old.
Vice-Chairman of West Ham United, Karren Brady, commented on the new sponsorship in a press release by stating that it is fantastic to see the main sponsor Betway care about every aspect of the Club. The football club is grateful to Betway for choosing to provide their shirt sponsorship to the charity organization for the Manchester City game and hope that awareness will be raised regarding the life of Dylan as well as the worthy cause. Mentioning Dylan, Brady stated that he was popular among his teammates as well as among the coaches, staff, supporters and even opponents. He was loved and respected and truly missed.
Director of Marketing and Operations for Betway, Anthony Werkman, commented as well on the sponsorship decision by stating that Dylan was an inspiration and his family has shown great courage. Werkman stated that the charity is close to the hearts of everyone associated with West Ham United and it is an honor to have the opportunity to help the worthy cause to raise funds and awareness.
Dylan’s mom, Tracy Tombides, also commented on the sponsorship, stating it is a proud day for the DT38 family, giving thanks to West Ham United and Betway as they support the charity’s mission of raising awareness of testicular cancer and change the stigma that is associated with issues involving men’s health. The message of DT38 will be spread to a new audience and help make sure that men around the world know how to complete regular examinations themselves and see advice if any abnormalities are found.
The Betway Group is a top provider of quality entertainment via several platforms including?sportsbetting, casino, poker and bingo. For more information about the DT38 Foundation, visit their website at?