Online gaming operator ComeOn! has reportedly signed a content deal with Malta-based online casino games developer and platform provider Relax Gaming.
The deal will see Relax Gaming’s Roulette and Blackjack table games go live on first, to be followed by soon after. Additional content will reportedly be delivered during this year.
The foundation for Relax’s mobile-primed roulette and three-hand blackjack titles will be provided by the developer’s proprietary RNG engine, with both to feature cost-effective implementation and premium design.
COO at ComeOn!, Heidi Skogster, said that she’s sure their players will enjoy the “value offering of quality table games” the Relax Gaming has shown its ability to provide.
Skogster went on to say that Relax Gaming always looks to collaborate with suppliers who are creative and who provide added value to their casino content which is already of high quality. She said that “Relax fit this bill well,” according to the news release.
Also commenting on the partnership, CEO for Relax Gaming, Patrik ?ster?ker said: “ComeOn! is one of the pioneers in the online gaming industry, and we’re very pleased to start what we expect to be a successful partnership in the coming years.
?ster?ker went on to say that they are confident that players across ComeOn! brands will enjoy Relax’s mobile-focused table games, and look forward to a lot more casino content to be added in the near future.
The news release also makes note that to ensure Relax maintains its quality servicing of clients and continued strong growth, in what it expects to be its biggest year since its inception, it has recently appointed Simon Hammon as its new Chief Product Officer, and Andrew Crosby as Head of Account Management.