American lottery and gaming machines innovator,?Scientific Games Corporation, has announced that its SG Digital subsidiary has updated the sportsbetting service it is providing casino operator,?Caesars Entertainment Corporation, in the states of New Jersey and Mississippi.

Managed Trading Services advance:

The Las Vegas-headquartered firm used an official Wednesday press release (pdf), to explain that Caesars Entertainment Corporation is already utilizing its subordinate’s OpenBet technology to power a wide range of retail, online and mobile sportsbetting services in the two jurisdictions. But, it detailed that the Nevada casino operator has now become the first partner for SG Digital’s Managed Trading Services innovation.

Integration follows acquisition:

Scientific Games declared that this advance was made possible following the integration of the platform from recently-purchased betting data supplier, Don Best Sports Corporation, and is to provide Caesars with additional pricing and betting services alongside ‘valuable real-time event data solutions.’

Innovator hails ‘major milestone’:

Keith O’Loughlin, Sportsbook Senior-Vice President for SG Digital, stated that the deal with Caesars Entertainment Corporation represented ‘a new era of quick installations with minimal labor footprint’ and is set to give the casino giant access to ‘an unrivalled product offering’ in Mississippi and New Jersey.

O’Loughlin’s statement read…

“This is a major milestone for us. Following a quick and simple integration that took less than two weeks following the Don Best [Sports Corporation] acquisition and the recent formation of our Gibraltar sportsbook operations team, Caesars Entertainment Corporation now has one of the most comprehensive sportsbetting offerings in the United States with Managed Trading Services delivering a complete product. We’re thrilled to have delivered the new service to our long-term partner in such a short period of time, demonstrating our speed to market.”

Exceptional ‘speed and variety’:

For its part, Las Vegas-based Caesars Entertainment Corporation is responsible for the Bally’s Atlantic City, Caesars Atlantic City and Harrah’s Resort Atlantic City properties in New Jersey as well as Mississippi’s Horseshoe Tunica and Harrah’s Gulf Coast?venues. Its Gaming and Interactive Executive Vice-President, Christian Stuart, proclaimed that utilizing SG Digital’s Managed Trading Services will enable his firm to provide land-based customers as well as those using its new Caesars Casino and Sports mobile app with ‘superior speed and variety in available sportsbetting lines.’

Stuart’s statement read…

“The combination of Caesars Entertainment Corporation’s best-in-class product, brand and loyalty program will continue to drive Caesars Casino and Sports to the forefront of the industry as this new opportunity unfolds.”