British online casino games developer,?1X2 Network, has announced the signing of a deal that is to see its full portfolio of slot and table titles integrated onto the Georgia-facing domain at

Full complement on its way:

According to an official Wednesday press release published by European Gaming Media and Events, 1X2 Network explained that the agreement will soon see feature content from its 1X2 Gaming and Iron Dog Studio subsidiaries such as the Neon Jungle, Blood Queen and The Curious Cabinet video slots as well as table games including the Diamond Roulette advance.

Latest major partnership:

Last week saw Hove-based 1X2 Network ink a similar arrangement with Italian iGaming platform provider?Microgame SpA while it stated that the most recent partnership is to encompass three-dimensional virtual sports content from strategic partner, Leap Gaming.

Kevin Reid, Chief Operating Officer for 1X2 Network, described as ‘the leader of the online casino market in Georgia’ before proclaiming that he was ‘thrilled’ to be able to bring his firm’s content to its players ‘for the very first time.’

Developer ‘moves the needle’:

Levan Tsitsagi, Slots Manager for, declared that 1X2 is ‘one of the hottest game developers in the market right now’ thanks to its ‘unrivalled reputation’ for developing content that ‘moves the needle’ when it comes to player experiences.

Tsitsagi’s statement read…

“We go to great lengths to ensure we offer our players the best games on the market and 1X2 Network certainly fits the bill.”