Several Pennsylvania casinos sent a letter to lawmakers requesting “friendlier” laws. This is the second time the casinos have sent a letter requesting changes. Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem is one of the casinos requesting changes.
The reports indicate a request to allow for 24 hour alcohol sales or at least to push the current hours a little longer. They also want to have a change to limits on free drinks, so it is easier to offer them. The casinos ask for no changes to current smoking restrictions or changes to?tax-free promotional play rules.
All the casinos in the area are requesting that?no new casino/resort developments be approved. A change to the mandatory staffing rules is requested so they are more relaxed.
Casinos are also having issues with new slot machines and electronic game tables being approved, so they are asking for a better approval process. The are also asking the?legislature to?reject??House Bill 808.?The bill as introduced on March 17 would? legalize video gaming terminals in hotels, clubs, and taverns taking away from the casinos’ revenues.